Team Jane

  • Brittany Merrifield

    Brittany Merrifield

    Brittany Merrifield is an entrepreneur, community organizer, advocate, photographer, and Mayor. She is a passionate advocate for enhancing the quality of life for all her constituents, particularly families, youth and seniors. She holds a degree in psychology from the the University of New Brunswick, and is an active member in the community - where she serves on many boards and committees.

  • Tiffany Mackay French

    Tiffany Mackay French

    Tiffany Mackay French is a lawyer and a 2-term Town Councillor. She holds Bachelor’s degrees in Fine Arts, Education, and Law – including a Master of Laws specializing in Dispute Resolution. She has worked as a high school teacher and family lawyer, and is currently a dispute resolution specialist in the areas of mediation and workplace investigations. She also sits on a number of boards and committees.

  • Katie Bowden

    Katie Bowden

    Katie is Founder and President at Duke Creative Collective, a busy marketing agency and creative consultancy in Saint John, New Brunswick. An entrepreneur, writer and strategist with 25 years working in marketing – she started advising on political campaigns in 2015. She holds Bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Journalism, and volunteers her time on a wide variety of boards.